CHANGELOG ========= 6.2 --- * Add support for Symfony 6 6.1 --- * Add support for PHP 8 attributes 6.0 --- * Remove PSR-7 support 5.6 --- * Bump min dependency versions 5.2 --- * Deprecated routing annotations as this is included in symfony/framework-bundle. Disable the feature with ``` sensio_framework_extra: router: annotations: false ``` Also replace the annotations `Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\Configuration\Route` and `Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\Configuration\Method` with `Symfony\Component\Routing\Annotation\Route` 5.1 --- * Added autoconfigure for `ParamConverterInterface` (#516). * Renamed service ids back to traditional service ids instead of class names (#530). 5.0 --- * Changed the `@Security` annotation to use arguments from argument resolvers as expression variables. * The `@IsGranted` annotation now also supports using arguments from the argument resolvers as the subject. 4.0 --- * added @IsGranted() annotation * allowed to disable some converters * allowed to customize the @security message and status code * [BC BREAK] changed template name generation from camelCase to under_score for both files and directories * removed support for bundle inheritance * a RuntimeException is now thrown when a reserved variable is used in a security expression * added cache-control max-stale support * renamed setETag to setEtag for consistency with Symfony core (use Etag in @Cache now instead of ETag) * added must-revalidate support for @Cache annotation * Response cache headers set in controllers now take precedence over the ones defined with the @Cache annotation * removed HHVM support * moved most services as private * renamed services to use their FQCN * allowed using multiple @Security annotations (class and method) * removed support for the Templating component (only plain Twig is supported) * removed unneeded phpdocs, converted protected to private properties * bumped Symfony minimum version to 3.0 * bumped PHP minimum version to 5.5.9 * removed class parameters in container definitions * [BC break] DateTimeParamConverter strictly validates the input date when using with 'format' option 3.0 --- * fixed the Doctrine param converter that sent 500 when an entity was not found under some circumstances * ParamConverterInterface now uses ParamConverter as a type hint instead of ConfigurationInterface * added support for @Security * added support for HTTP validation cache in @Cache (ETag and LastModified) 2.2 --- * added the possibility to configure the repository method to use for the Doctrine converter via the repository_method option. * [BC break] When defining multiple @Cache, @Method or @Template annotations on a controller class or method, the latter now overrules the former 2.1 --- * added the possibility to configure the id name for the Doctrine converter via the id option * [BC break] The ParamConverterInterface::apply() method now must return a Boolean value indicating if a conversion was done.